Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion Statement
Baristocracy Coffee Ltd
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy
Date |
Changes |
Review Date |
17.04.2017 |
Document Created |
14.04.2019 |
17.10.2024 |
Review |
17.10.2026 |
About Baristocracy Coffee
Baristocracy Coffee Ltd is, currently, just Alex Forsyth and Kate Hudson. We are the owners, directors and employees. We believe, strongly, that diversity is strength - whether you look at the UK as a whole, our own local community of North Shields or further afield to the many people across the world who grow the coffee we buy. The diversity of skills, experience, culture and ways of life are what keep this, potentially fragile, industry thriving.
Equality, Diversity & Inclusion at Baristocracy Coffee
Equality means everyone having the same opportunities, regardless of gender, race, religion, sexuality, background, eduction or anything else. However, achieving equality does not mean simply providing the same opportunities to everyone. Equity is the understanding that people have different needs and may require different resources in order to take advantage of the same opportunity.
Diversity is about recognising and valuing differences. Seeing the boundless opportunities for growth when people are celebrated for their differences, their unique perspectives and experiences.
Inclusivity is working hard and continuously to ensure EVERYONE feels welcome. Whether as an employer, a wholesale partner or part of a supply chain we feel the weight of our responsibility to welcome in, to make sure people feel that this is the place for them.
As we don’t currently have any employees, our greatest area of concern in this space is ensuring we buy green coffee from fairly paid farmers and do not, unwittingly, take advantage of them. Please see our Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking statement which highlights these risks and how we mitigate them. We believe the protections we benefit from here in the UK should be extended to the coffee growing communities we buy from.
The Law
It is against the law to discriminate against someone because of:
- age
- disability
- gender reassignment
- marriage and civil partnership
- pregnancy and maternity
- race
- religion or belief
- gender
- sexual orientation
The Equality Act 2010 provides the legislative framework that informs our work to promote equality of opportunity and reduce barriers to engagement.
Implementing these principles at Baristocracy Coffee
We look forward to creating employment opportunities in the future. When we do, we commit to:
- ensuring that our recruitment and promotion processes are fair and open to everyone
- offering employment to the best person for that role based on their skills and enthusiasm for learning
- creating a welcoming, nurturing place of employment where a person can flourish and be a valued member of the team
- making expectations clear, providing the necessary training and on-going support so that the role can be fulfilled
- making sure communication is open and that staff members feel supported to report issues, concerns, problems or wrongdoing without fear of reprisal
- fostering dignity in the workplace, respecting each other’s beliefs, appreciating each other’s time, knowledge and experience
- creating space for every team member to be themselves whilst also having a zero tolerance policy on harassment, discrimination and bullying
- providing all staff members with the following policies so expected conduct is clear: Staff company handbook; Anti-corruption and bribery policy; Capability procedure policy; Bullying and harassment policy; Equality, diversity and inclusion policy
- protecting staff against harassment of any kind when performing their duties